We all know that this world needs some serious improvement, but it all seems so overwhelming at times. This site will give you some simple, practical steps that you can take to help right the wrongs.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Track the progress of Starbuck's fulfilling their promises regarding Fair Trade Coffee... Starbucks Challenge Map

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Know someone who has more time than money, and broadband access? They might want to check out the Amazon Mechanical Turk - you get paid 3 US cents per page to do stuff that's easy for a human but tough for a computer.

I've given it a shot, and I'm not sure if this idea will float. Anyone who would find 3 cents per page good money probably doesnt have fast enough net access to make this worthwhile. Probably dont have a bank account to receive their earnings either. But you never know...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

This here looks like a great site, if you're in the right country for it...
Charity Navigator - America's Largest Charity Evaluator

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Ask Your MP to sign the Early Day Motion for Trade Justice (EDM 679). (More info)

Thursday, October 13, 2005

So what can I do?

How about this? Looks like Karama Neal has been doing exactly the same thing for a year already. Her site is more US based than UK, but maybe I'd do better to just help her out with UK content.

Good stuff!

Jubilee Debt Campaign : Lobby your MP

A pretty clear list of actions UK residents can take to free the third world from the shackles of unfair debt repayments. Dont see the need? Check this out.

Why not raise awareness of the Jubilee Debt Campaign, by printing off a few of these Soduko flyers and leaving them in your workplace's tea room?